Fustă Black Glitter 1,2,3…
Pentru produsele cu discount de 20%, livrarea se va face după 22.11.2024.
Vă prezentăm cea mai recentă inovație în modă: setul de fuste dinamice duo, unde versatilitatea se întâlnește cu stilul. Cu designul său unic, cu două piese - una elegant mai scurtă, cealaltă grațios curgătoare - aveți libertatea de a le purta împreună pentru un aspect șic stratificat sau separat pentru a crea ținute distincte care trec fără efort de la zi la noapte. Îmbrățișează arta de a combina și asorta cu acest plus care face declarație în garderoba ta, conceput pentru a inspira posibilități nesfârșite de modă
– mărime universală -
îngrijire: spălare manuală
XS |
86 |
66 |
88-92 |
S |
90 |
70 |
92-96 |
M |
94 |
74 |
96-100 |
L |
98 |
78-80 |
100-104 |
You may return the products within 14 days, starting the next day after receiving and the return shipping is at your cost. We recommend that you retain the proof of return shipping.
The refund will be made in maximum 14 days.
Use the return sheet found in your product box to issue a product return.
To be eligible for a return:
1.Item Condition:Your item must be unused and in the same condition that you received it. Any signs of wear or damage will render the item ineligible for a return.
2.Packaging Condition:As part of our commitment to environmental sustainability, we urge our customers to be conscious of wastage. Your item's shoe box must be returned in the same condition you received it. Damaged or missing packaging will result in a partial refund.It is important to ensure that the item is packaged securely to avoid any damage during the return shipping process. If you are unsure about the eligibility of your item for a return based on its condition or packaging, please contact our customer support team for guidance before initiating the return.
3.In case of return, if you have received a surprise item as bonus, the return package should contain the surprise item as-well. If this item is not sent back together with the ordered item/items that you wish to return, the refund will not be processed.
No refund will be taken into consideration if the return request is not made through our return sheet. If you have lost it, please email us so we can send you a copy at contact@linapparel.com
In case the product has any deterioration other than the manufacturing defects (if any), we have the exclusive and unilaterally right to decide a partial refund accordingly.
For products currently out of stock, please be aware that the maximum delivery period is 7 working days.
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